2018 WI Triennial Convention
21st FWIC Triennial attendees gather for a group photo.
The launch of a new WI Canada logo which unites all WI members across Canada as a unified movement of women inspired to make change count in their own communities, provincially, nationally and worldwide
Farewell to Linda Hoy as she becomes Past President and retires from the FWIC Board after 18 years of volunteering for WI across Canada, and passing of the gavel to new President, Joan Holthe.
21st FWIC Triennial attendees gather for a group photo.
21st Triennial Convention
The 21st National Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada Convention was held at the Fort Garry Hotel and Conference Centre, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Convention attendees were warmly welcomed by our hosts, the Manitoba Women’s Institute on July 12 followed by four days of wonderful programs and speakers.
Attendees were continuously ‘inspired’ throughout the convention from the outstanding speakers, panel sessions, a tour of the National Human Rights Museum at the Forks, to a showcase of multi-cultural, ethnic and generational entertainment and networking opportunities. Through all of these activities, many friendships were re-kindled and new ones formed.
Thank you to the Manitoba Convention Committee members, led by Joan Clement and Lynne Hopley, who worked tirelessly planning a wonderful event that highlighted our theme of ‘Women Inspired to Make Change Count’.
Additional Highlights of the 2018 Convention:
Outstanding speakers from Keynote Speaker, Brenda Shoepp who travels the world to work with women to empower themselves to grow food, protect environments and secure financial independence for themselves, their families and their communities to three outstanding young women
A showcase of local Manitoba talent from aboriginal hoop dancing to a local band called JD & the Sunshine Band, who are a group of individuals who have turned their lives around
During the closing ceremonies, the 2019 FWIC 100th Anniversary Celebrations were kicked off and new WI Canada flags were distributed to the provinces
Provincial President, Delores Jones with all the NLWI attendees invited everyone to the next Convention to be held on ‘the rock’ (of course, Newfoundland) in 2021
We'll see you on-line
from the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead
Join Us for the
Virtual 2021 Triennial Meeting!
It is with sadness that we must inform you that The Triennial Events, hosted by Newfoundland & Labrador Women's Institutes, have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions. The dates have been changed to July 5 & 6 and will take place as a virtual gathering. We wish to convey our profound thanks to the ladies of the NLWI and the planning committee for all of the hard work and effort made on our behalf. As part of the festivities, this Triennial Meeting will again feature the wonderful Tweedsmuir Competitions - with a new one added to 2021's Line up.