WI Resolutions 1927-1939
WI Resolutions Collections contains an overview of the resolutions passed by the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada (also known as WI Canada) from 1919 to current resolutions being added to the collection as they are accepted. Subgroups are organized chronologically.
Please credit: WI Canada/FWIC Resolutions Collection FWIC-001.SG01
RESOLVED that FWIC express our willingness to co-operate in any scheme intended to bring about a satisfactory adjustment.
RESOLVED that the FWIC affirm our readiness to co-operate with the Girl Guides Association and all other agencies which will further the objects of our organization and we hope that each Provincial Women’s Institute will co-operate with the Provincial Girl Guide Association to their mutual benefit.
Upon the suggestion of Alberta, FWIC RECOMMEND that the Women’s Institutes of each province support the selection of a provincial flower, seeking the co-operation of the school children in making such selection. (Note –the Women’s Institute RESOLVED that in view of the importance ad dignity of Canadian citizenship that FWIC again petition the Federal Department of State that such honor be conferred upon all applicants, both native and foreign-born, with appropriate ceremony on or about July 1st.
RESOLVED that the FWIC commend the attitude and resolution of the Honorable Post Master General and to pledge him their hearty co-operation and support in this matter.
RESOLVED that the FWIC ask our Federal Government for a much closer check-up of ships sailing from Canadian ports, and of other facilities for crossing the border, feeling that while not legally responsible for this carrying of contraband goods into another territory, morally we are responsible, and we urge close co-operation with United States in enforcing their law, thus upholding the honor of Canada’s name and expressing our public opinion in this matter.
RESOLVED that the Government of the Dominion of Canada be requested to provide financial assistance in the provinces of the Dominion for the establishment of County Health Units in all of the provinces as requested recently by the Dominion Health Council.
RESOLVED that the FWIC affirm their belief in the right of a British woman to retain her British Nationality on marriage with a foreigner… and urge our Dominion Government to appoint one of our Institute women to represent the view point of Canadian rural women at the Codification of International Law Committee of the League of Nations.
RESOLVED that the FWIC place on record our regret at the action of the Board of the CNE by which the space allotted to the Exhibition of the FWIC has been withdrawn; and we would ask that, in view of the national importance of the work on this organization, the Board of Directors of the CNE grant to it necessary permanent space in which to demonstrate from year to year its varied and far-reaching activities.
FWIC urge the Women’s Institutes, during the coming year to study the causes of war and the peace-promoting organizations, that members may be prepared to support Canada’s efforts to further peaceful relationships throughout the world.
FWIC approves the action taken by the Women’s Institutes of PEI, in respect of the proposed new Sanatorium and puts itself on record in support of the claim presented by the Provincial Government against the Federal Government in regard to this matter.
RESOLVED that FWIC express hearty approval of the decision of the Federal Government to consider the advisability of granting financial assistance to full time Health Units; also of the announcement of the Honourable Minister of Pensions and National Health that a conference shall be held to which will be invited the health officers of the different Provinces and we respectfully urge that the said conference be held at the earliest possible date.
RESOLVED that the FWIC request that films both silent and talkies be properly censored and that educational films and wholesome pictures be presented; also that a greater use be made of Canadian produced and British films.
RESOLVED that since the leadership, contributions and service of the Women’s Institutes are vital to the development of community life we hereby express the view that the leaders in each branch should consider very carefully the local needs and possibilities before contributing funds to organizations and interests operating outside the community.
RESOLVED that the resolution of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind asking for an adequate pension for the blind be endorsed by the FWIC.
RESOLVED that the FWIC express their sympathy with those unavoidably out of work and destitute and would most urgently request that wherever possible more workers should be employed even for shorter hours in order that some work may be provided for the maximum number of people; and further that FWIC would urge their own members to do their part in providing employment wherever possible.
RESOLVED that FWIC approach the Federal and Provincial Governments with a request that the claims of outstanding women be considered in the appointment of special committees, commissions and civil servants.
RESOLVED that the FWIC wishes to register the appreciation of the work done by His Majesty’s Government in the direction of the reduction of armaments, and whole heartedly supports any further efforts on its part to induce the nations of the world to reduce expenditures on armaments by mutual agreement.
RESOLVED that the FWIC condemn the sale of armaments for private profit.
RESOLVED that the FWIC co-operate with the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire in their endeavour to have pictures produced that are suitable for children.
RESOLVED that the FWIC recommends that it would be more economical and desirable to have, instead of eight Provincial Boards, one Dominion Board with one representative from each Province; and FURTHER that if such Board be appointed, women would have representation thereon.
RESOLVED that the FWIC approach the chief archivist of Canada re the placing of a photograph of the late Adelaide Hoodless in the Canadian Archives at Ottawa with a short history of the founding of the Women’s Institutes.
RESOLVED that the FWIC petition the Canadian Welfare Council to provide this knowledge in the form of a Book, similar to the Blue Books or Canadian Mothers’ Book.
RESOLVED that the FWIC take all proper steps to induce the Canadian Government to enact legislation giving the state control of the manufacture of all munitions and of all native materials used in such manufacture, in order that private profit in such may be eliminated.
RESOLVED that the Hamilton Section of National Council of Jewish Women record its desire and urge that there be prohibited the importation, manufacture and sale into and in the Dominion of Canada of any such articles which may develop in the minds of children a desire for war rather than an abhorrence of it and that the Honourable Premier of Canada and Government of Canada be petitioned to have enacted such legislation as may be necessary to prohibit such importation, manufacture and sale.
RESOLVED that the Dominion Railway Board be requested to have a uniform system of “stop” signals placed at all railway crossings in the Dominion.
Explore a Century of Change
Since the founding of the Federated Womens Institutes of Canada there have been many official resolutions presented to leaders at home and abroad. Click on the decade to learn about the federal resolutions presented and supported by the WI Canada.
summary of activity
summary of activity
summary of activity
summary of activity
summary of activity