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British Columbia WI Newsletter

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Here are the highlights from the British Columbia Women’s Institutes Newsletter for November, 2014.

Janet Bangs, the editor and president of BCWI included a link to the recipe for her traditional Battenberg Cake. She writes that she has never made it but her mom has taught her daughter-in-law well, so the tradition continues. It looks like a great tradition to experience, don’t you think? Click on the image for instructions.

Click the image for recipe from the BBC.

Click the image for recipe from the BBC.

Thanks to the newsletter, I’ve found another blogger to follow. Click on the image below for the instructions to knit boot cuffs, or as the blogger Wake & Whimsy calls them, leg warmers. These accessories are apparently all the rage.

boot cuffs

boot cuffs instructions

Last, but by no means least, some Facebook links for the gals out on the west coast. They would love for you to drop on by to say hello.

Click on the bold text to surf on over:

Atchelitz WI has a Facebook Group page and the only difference here is that you will need to request to join. While I was visiting Atchelitz, I ran across yet another group, Upper Sumas WI.

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Women’s Institute is a local, provincial, national and international organization that promotes women, families and communities. Our goal is to empower women to make a difference.

The idea to form a national group was first considered in 1912. In 1914, however, when the war began the idea was abandoned. At the war’s end, Miss Mary MacIsaac, Superintendent of Alberta Women’s Institute, revived the idea. She realized the importance of organizing the rural women of Canada so they might speak as one voice for needed reforms, and the value of co-ordinating provincial groups for a more consistent organization. In February 1919, representatives of the provinces met in Winnipeg, Manitoba, to form the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada.

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