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Margaret's Message

Greetings on behalf of the Board of Directors. May was a busy month, as usual. Many Provincial WIs held their Annual General Meetings, and I had the pleasure of attending the BCWI and Quebec WI meetings being held by virtual means and written greetings to PEI WI who had their first in person AGM since the pandemic. Congratulations and good luck to all the new members of their Provincial Boards as they join in the amazing work of WI members at the Provincial Board level. Take a moment, if you will, to look at their websites and see the wonderful things accomplished by them in service of their communities.

June is a month of celebrations. On June 2, 1953, Her Royal Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, was coronated at Westminster Abbey, in London. The Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada wish to convey our sincere congratulations to Her Royal Majesty as she celebrates this momentous occasion of Her Platinum Jubilee. A display will be available at the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead honouring HRM Queen Elizabeth II.

On June 20th we celebrate both the first day of summer and Father’s Day! I suppose that you could say that Erland Lee, co-founder of the WI movement 125 years ago, was the patriarch of the WI family. So, to all the fathers out there, the Erland Lee Award recipients, and all the men that have given support to family, the WI family, and their community, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation for all that you do! I wish you all, a very Happy Father’s Day.

As part of the 125th anniversary of the WI movement, we have planned an exciting day at the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead and Head Office of the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada/WI Canada. A hybrid Annual General Meeting will be held on July 12, 2022. Please mark the date and plan to participate, either in person if you are able or by virtual means if you can. Plans are underway for a tree planting ceremony and a luncheon. I am pleased to inform you that our Keynote Speaker, Professor Gail Cuthbridge Brandt will be speaking about Canadian Women’s Organizations – Past, Present and Future. The AGM will be followed by a reception at the Homestead. Funding for the celebrations is courtesy of a grant from the County of Brant. Our sincere thank you to Mayor David Bailey and the County Councillors for their continued support.

With Mr. Hollie Archer’s kind permission, I am thrilled to announce his generous donation of $49,800.00. In addition to funding from the County of Brant, we will now have sufficient funds to replace the roof of the Homestead and the Pavilion roof as well. On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada, I wish to convey our deepest gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Archer for his generosity and continued support of Women’s Institutes and the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead.

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