Cross Canada WI Book Club, Submitted by Angela Scott, NB Representative
The book for June 25th is" The Spoon Stealer by Lesley Crewe"
On May 28, after a few technical difficulties, members met and discussed Justice Beverley MacLaughlin's book, The Truth be Told.
The book club will meet again on June 25 to discuss Lesley's Crew's Spoon Stealers.
In the fall books may include "the Strangers" by Katherena Vernette, The Last Book Shop in London by Madelline Martin and Five Little Indians by Michelle Good.
There will be no book club in July and August
Please watch for reminders and contact Elizabeth with any questions or comments.
The June selection will be the Spoon Stealers, by Lesley Crewe. Then the book club will take a break again until the end of September, so any suggestions of Canadian authors are welcomed for the September selection.