The PEI Women’s Institute Board of Directors has a full slate of activities this month including a provincial business meeting, an international virtual walk and an online cultural diversity and inclusion themed workshop. The over 70 WI branches on PEI are invited to send a representative to the upcoming business meeting portion of the annual convention on the morning of October 17 at The Rodd Royalty in Charlottetown.
The board has adapted its traditional convention to comply with Chief Public Health Office guidelines and additionally will join two cohorts of up to 50 delegates by closed-circuit video.
Later the same day the PEIWI Board is bringing awareness and fundraising efforts to worldwide food security through a walk. PEIWI will be highlighting their membership with the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW), and three UN-recognized occasions; International Day of Rural Women, International Day for the Eradication of Poverty; and World Food Day through its annual ACWW Women Walk the World event.
The overall aim is to bring attention to global food systems by using a theme of #Will Walk For Food. As this walk is world-wide, the walk will be real, and the globe will be connected virtually to bring attention to global food security. In keeping with provincial health office guidelines, participants are asked to choose their location of choice and adhere to distancing guidelines. To assist in raising funds through this effort, donations from PEI can be sent directly using
On Thursday, October 29, at 7pm, the PEI Women’s Institute, in partnership with the PEI Association of Newcomers to Canada, will be hosting an online information session on Cultural Diversity and Inclusion with guest speaker Lisa Dollar and Executive director Craig Mackie on welcoming and including newcomers in communities. This is open to all organizations and general members of the public.
In other provincial news, the Board is revising its annual WI Island Product Cooking Contest aimed at youth in grades 7-12. Details will be announced soon.
In branch events, the Greater Charlottetown WI (GCWI) will be once again selling fresh Christmas wreaths this year as a fundraiser for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Charlottetown, as well as Branch activities. Wreaths will be delivered in to customers in November.
Submitted by Ellen MacPhail, PEIWI