The MWI has been very busy keeping our organization flourishing while we deal with the circumstances of our world today.
We have had some Board changes and predict another great year to come.
Our goals for the coming months are numerous, the two which are definitely stretching our skillset and imaginations are the creation of a virtual institute focused on providing an institute to those who are not currently involved with in-person WI meetings, and webinars which will focus on the provision of educational presentations without the concern and need for health protocols. Just sit in comfort at home with your favourite beverage and enjoy.
Manitoba is very fortunate to have a vibrant WI membership who are regularly taking on new challenges, strengthening their communities and expanding their learning.
When the Manitoba Women’s Institute decided on a tree-planting campaign to celebrate Manitoba 150, many Institutes rose to the challenge.
One of Manitoba’s strengths is our ability to learn about and embrace cultural differences. We strive to understand women’s issues from different perspectives and work to empower all women through awareness and mutual respect.
Tree planting project with Girl Guides
Learning about Women’s issues and culture
Then there are the days where we need to throw caution to the wind and seek a thrill!
Submitted by Debra Barrett, Manitoba Women's Institute