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We Work for the United Nations

Sheila Needham

Sheila Needham

Last night I told my husband about my latest project. It’s a continuation of the membership profile I wrote about Sheila Needham. On December 9th, 2014, Sheila, who is the Canadian Area President of the Associated Country Women of the World, was interviewed by CBC radio. The station has graciously permitted us to use the recording of the show hosted by Susan Campbell, as a way to promote the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW).

It’s been fun scouring the internet for photos to use as illustrations to accompany the radio interview.

It’s also been educational, as is the case on some many of the pieces I write for this blog. “Did you know,” I told my hubby, “That the WI has direct ties with the UN?”

“Really?” he said.

“Yup. It starts right at the local branch level. We collect money for the ACWW, and then there are regional and national committees and sub-committees that advise the UN on women’s issues. Cool, eh?”

“Well,” he said. “I guess you work for the UN, then.”


I guess we do!

You can watch the video here. Enjoy.


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Women’s Institute is a local, provincial, national and international organization that promotes women, families and communities. Our goal is to empower women to make a difference.

The idea to form a national group was first considered in 1912. In 1914, however, when the war began the idea was abandoned. At the war’s end, Miss Mary MacIsaac, Superintendent of Alberta Women’s Institute, revived the idea. She realized the importance of organizing the rural women of Canada so they might speak as one voice for needed reforms, and the value of co-ordinating provincial groups for a more consistent organization. In February 1919, representatives of the provinces met in Winnipeg, Manitoba, to form the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada.

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