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Donate to WI Canada

The WI movement is dependant on your financial gifts to keep crucial programs and operations up and running. In addition to special campaigns, WI Canada has a number of ways you can support our work!

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Addie's Kitchen

Thank you to everyone that donated to Addie's Dream Kitchen. 

Although COVID-19 forced us to stop our kitchen renovation, we are now happy to report that thanks to staff from the County of Brant, the final renovations are being made.  Once completed, the kitchen will be available for educational events.

Check back for more details.

Cooking Class

Creating Your WI Legacy:

As a registered Canadian charity, the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada are eligible to receive bequests and estate gifts. Pledging your support for the ongoing programs of WI Canada ensures future generations have access to resources and that we are able to advocate families and communities around the world.


Collecting Donations

Sustaining gifts to the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada:

Monthly giving is the easiest way to support WI Canada. Please consider making a gift of $10 (or more)  monthly to ensure the basic operations of WI Canada are supported throughout the year. 


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Portrait of an Attractive Senior Woman

Merchandise, Programs  and More:

In addition to our ongoing products, we offer WI Canada merchandise. 


You can also make one-time donations of your choice.​

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