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2021 WI Triennial Convention

Time flies and before you know it we will be registering for the 22nd  FWIC/WI Canada National Convention - our Triennial Convention!

Save the dates . Mon & Tues (July 5th -6th). 

Last Day to Register is June 25th



Early Bird  Prize Winner - Donna Jebb, ON 




Revised -Our Diversity Poster.jpeg

Registration information:

$25.00 includes:
All Events
The Designer 22nd National Convention Pin A printed copy of the
Community, Culture and Heritage Book.

To Register:

Fillable  PDF Registration Form

By Mail - send in your registration form & fee to FWIC National Office, PO Box 209, 359 Blue Lake Rd., St. George, ON  N0E 1N0

- OR -

Email your registration form and e-transfer the registration fee to
Security Question:  Main colour in WI Canada Logo?

- OR -

Go to our online Store and pay via PayPal 

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
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