Experience the Simple Pleasures of Happiness - Choose Happy is part of the #LifeHacksSeries, offered in conjunction with the New Horizons for Seniors program.
The presentation will be held online via Zoom on Saturday, May 16th. Our program hosts are Andrea Leja, a Life Style Director, and Rosemary Evangelista, an Experienced Life Entrepreneur. Both ladies hail from Change Your Future Outcome (CYFO), an organization offering strategies and solutions for those who want to build happier habits into your daily life.
Andrea and Rosemary will be talking about why choosing a happy “mantra” can keep you happy.
Rosemary's passion is to inspire and connect people. Each of her companies gives her the opportunity to help people "be happy”.
Andrea is a self-proclaimed “serial entrepreneur”. Through her various companies, she is able to express her creativity and to share her flair for inspiring and empowering people in their lives, inside and out.
CYFO is an inspirational community to help you embrace your happy. Their mission is to help you get there.
Rosemary and Andrea's presentation is a call to action to Choose Happy!
You can’t buy happiness, but you can choose to be happy. Being happy keeps you young. It changes every aspect of your life. The search for happiness is one of the most important issues of our time. Never before in history has it been so possible yet so absent! At a time when we could be dancing in the streets, rejoicing over the incredible accomplishments of this century, we are having an epidemic of depression.
Choosing to be happy is being at peace with yourself, accepting who you are, just the way you are. Start today by choosing happiness and spreading joy everywhere you go.
To pre-register for the program, email outreach@adelaidehoodless.ca or call 226-988-7013 or 51-448-3873.
For more information about Change Your Future Outcome visit their website at www.cyfo.ca.